
Penang Bridge Marathon 2014

Alright. So, this year’s Marathon was started not from Marathon registration, but from booking the airlines ticket. Venue: Penang Bridge International Marathon.

I was in another low point of my running, the last one was early 2012, after my son was born. The rain has been pouring almost every dawn, the time I mostly run. When it wasn’t raining, I was either slept too late, or just simply too lazy to get out of my comfortable bed. The culmination of this low point is: I have gained 2kg, and my 5km timing dropped from 28:44 to over 33 minutes.

JIS 2014

Not that I didn’t do anything for the last couple of weeks. I was doing core training to strengthen my core muscle, in hope that someday when I decided to run another marathon, the core training will pay off. Also, I still ride my bicycle for most of the time to commute to train station, some 5.5km each way.

“Time to get back on track”, I said to myself. I had a conversation with Grace last night about Penang Marathon, and the upcoming Air Asia promotion. This was actually last year plan, when Grace was travelling almost every month to Penang to bring my Mom-in-law for minor heart surgery and follow up.

While having breakfast this morning, I read through the website of Penang Bridge Marathon. Then around lunch time, Grace ping me that she has booked the ticket to Penang. I did have a second and third thought about training for another marathon. I was in the meeting that finish late, causing our booking to be released by the airlines.

Grace re-booked our flight, still at the same price. And without another hesitation, I paid for the ticket.

Suddenly, I feel that the lost running spirit become alive inside my heart. Yes, I’m going to get back on track…..