
Tag Archives: Christmas

This is it, the time of the year again. Today is Christmas, and as years before, the day has been the happiest day of the year. And with New Year 7 days away, it is time to look back and see how 2014 has been so far.

I’m going to say that, the first half of 2014 is the moment of great achievement. In the first 6 months, we manage to launch a big system, for a big client. It was achieved with a lot of sacrifice. Never before I put so much time in such prolonged period, like 60 hours average per week, weekend included. Sometimes, I would arrive home at 9pm, sparring some time to play with Ethan until we put him to sleep. Then, I would slip away, back in front of my laptop, crunching slides for 9am presentation. Nights will be filled with Coffee, Pizzas and other fast food. And days will be filled with high tension meetings that drain your energy. And in between meetings, phone calls was coming from people asking for updates, or ask for things to be done at that moment.

Eventually come the migration day. I skipped the first migration due to family reason. In the second migration, I spent 27 hours at office, from 8:30am on 28 May to 11:30am on 29 May 2014. The satisfaction and pride of the success is much more than winning a $2 million project. I think, it is because winning a project is like having a job half-done. Launching the system will complete the other half of the job.

Things changes on second half of 2014. In fact, a lot of thing changes.

In May 2014, Grace has finally open her own business. She has been working as food curator for a food court in Pacific Place Jakarta, as well as planning to open her own food stall in the same food court. An in May, they finally open for public. I’m happy for her. It has always been our dream to have our own business, and in May, Grace made the dream come true. She is now a businesswoman.

Then, in August 2, 2014, Ethan started his first day at school. We finally pick Cikal Serpong for Ethan’s pre-school for 2 reason: Cikal have a big outdoor playground, and they have 3 days per week class. The first day went well than what we expected. And after we drop him at school, it was a strange feeling to sit in the car, two of us once again, with our kid with someone else.

Grace getting busy with her business means less time to take care of Ethan, while at the same time, Ethan need greater commitment from us, as now he is going to school. We need to be strict on time, to put him to sleep, to wake him up in the morning, preparing breakfast and other thing for him to be ready for school. And soon, he will start going to school 5 days a week. To fill the gap between Grace’s less free time and Ethan’s higher commitment needs, I decided to leave my current employer.

On October 29, 2014, I tendered my resignation. My friend at my former employer offered me a position. My former employer’s office is much closer to my home, so it is possible for me to drive. If necessary, I can also pick Ethan home from our family’s home, where he usually spend time if Grace need to go out, and put him to sleep before 10. Plus, historically speaking, my former employer has less working hour expectation than my current employer. At least, you are not expected to work on weekends, so I can take care of Ethan if Grace need to work over the weekend.

So, I’m going to 2015 with a new job, and new hope. There are many personal things that I have put on hold in order to grow my professional career. All was culminated in the big system launch. Now, it is time to recover the lost moment, to pursue my personal aspiration. There are many that I expect to achieve in 2015, which will be in my next post for 2015’s resolution.

Merry Christmas…….

Referring to Marco’s post here (In Bahasa. The author wrote that he has no problem with kids, as long as there are less than 10 of them together), there are things that are worse than 10 kids in one place.

It is a boring kids! Place: Church, during Christmas Eve Mass. Only one is enough….

Merry Christmas……

The special month, the month with special aura, which does not exist in other month. The month of Christmas, month that ends the year, and month of Holiday.

I was driving home on the first night of this magical month. Shuffling through my ipod, I can’t help to repeat Mariah Carey’s Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Not that I like the song, but I hooked up by the intro, a very nice lullaby created by Johannes Brahms.

So, to share the joy of Christmas here is the song. May it been a good year to all of you, and a nice holiday too with your family and loved one.

Lets sing along, here is the lyrics

I heard the word for the first time on a label of a Christmas CD. Looks like Christmas came so early this year that they played Christmas carol on first week of November

I Google the word. It is a term used to refer the southeaster part of us. It is where New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz music. The Dixieland jazz refers to jazz music, characterized by marching band music and trumpet.

I haven’t been there, and didn’t do another research, to let my imagination works. I’d love to been the street, with small cafes lining on its side. In the evening, sitting in one of the cafe, with a good book or just watching people passing by, accompanied by street band playing the Dixieland jazz

Even better probably early December. The weather is not so cold, the evening is long, and they played a Christmas carol jazz. Everyone sit and have a great time. Perfect

… And what have you done… another year over

Christmas is coming… and along with it will come a new year. A quote from John Lennon’s song above inspired me to start looking to the passing years… a year full of changes and surprises.

In January, bored with my job and enjoying my holiday at the end of 2004, I was promoted to a new job level. An exciting job level, plus, it came with a permanent position. A good thing to start a year with, opening new possibilities in my career.

In February, my Scuba Diving holiday trip to Bali, with new friends. A well spent money for 5 days holiday.

Late in May, all the fun and success of the year seems doesn’t apply to my relationship. I broke up with my girl, after 5 years, going through a lot of fun, happiness, and memories. Well… a decision which is the best for us.

June 2005, after 3 years, I made a trip back to the city of love. The city in which we spent the best part of my previous relation with my girlfriend. A walk of sweet memory…..

I visited Hong Kong in July, in a tour organized by my company. The tour sucks, but the experience is great. Thanks to my friends over there, who are really gave me chance to enjoy the bad tour.

After 3 years of thinking and convincing myself, I decided to go back to school in October 2005. Yap, I’m taking my master degree in one of local university. I was admitted to the school, and it will start on May 2006, until December 2007.

It was November 2005, when my best friend from my childhood got married. I was honoured to be his bestman. In addition to that, his marriage has changed my view about married live. I met someone, also from my past, which I can see my future with.

The last month of the year, December 2005, I manage to get a good mark for my performance review, and I have a holiday waiting ahead. I will be spending Christmas and New Year at Australia, one of my favourite countries to live, with my mom. So, this is my last post of the year.

To close this wonderful year, I would like to say Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and see you all again in 2006.

I heard this story during the Christmas Mass at my church this morning:

A Mom was walking when she ran into a stranger. Both of them almost fell. “Are you alright?”, the mom asked the stranger. “Yes, I’m OK. Are you alright? I’m sorry”, replied the stranger. “Yes, I’m OK, I’m sorry too”, answer the Mom. Both of them then left.

In the evening, when the mom was cooking, she reach for some spice when she tripped over her daughter. The Mom then shouted with angry face, “Don’t play in the kitchen, don’t you see that I’m busy?”.

I cut the story short, because here is the message:
“Do you act like the Mom, being nice when she ran into a stranger, but mad like a jerk to her own daughter?

Merry Christmas